NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History Chapter 8 Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation


NCERT Solutions Class 8 Social Science History chapter 7 Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science History chapter 7 Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation

Question & Answer

Q.1: State whether true or false:
(a) James Mill was a severe critic of the Orientalists.
(b) The 1854 Despatch on education was in favour of English being introduced as a medium of higher education in India.
(c) Mahatma Gandhi thought that promotion of literacy was the most important aim of education.
(d) Rabindranath Tagore felt that children ought to be subjected to strict discipline.

Ans : (a) True, (b) True, (c) False, (d) False.

Q.2: Why did William Jones feel the need to study Indian history, philosophy and law?

Ans : He felt the need to study Indian history, philosophy and law because only these texts could reveal the ideas and laws of the Hindus and Muslims, and only a new study of these texts could form the basis of future development in India.

Q.3: Why did James Mill and Thomas Macaulay think that European education was essential in India?

Ans : Both James Mill and Thonjas Macaulay saw India as an uncivilised country that needed to be civilised. And for this purpose, European education Was essential. They felt that knowledge of English would allow Indians to read some of the finest literature of the world, it would make them aware of the developments in Western science and philosophy. Teaching of English could thus be a way of civilising people, changing their tastes, values and culture

Q.4: Why did Mahatma Gandhi want to teach children handicrafts?

Ans : Mahatma Gandhi wanted to teach children handicrafts because only then they would be able to know how different things were operated. This would develop their mind and then- capacity to understand.

Q.5: Why did Mahatma Gandhi think that English education had enslaved Indians?

Ans : Mahatma Gandhi was dead against English education. He argued that this type of education had created a sense of inferiority in the minds of Indians. It had made them see Western civilisation as superior and had destroyed the pride they had in their own culture. It had cast an evil spell on Indians. Education in English had crippled them, distanced them from their own surroundings and made them strangers in their own lands. What is more, it had enslaved them.
